As part of our selfless duties here at The Bachelor Life, we are compelled to occasionally field test certain questions of vital importance to the bachelor world.
The question du jour: "How awesome are hot tubs REALLY?"
We all have been to cool parties/hotels with hot tubs. We all know someone with one, but what's it like to own one YOURSELF? How does this change the game? How much does it cost to maintain REALLY? Is it an unending girl parade or a money pit pain in the ass?
These answers and more we'll track as part of *** Project Hot tub ***
It is a blue eight person tub sourced locally from craigslist. The TBL crew will be picking it up tomorrow. We are purchasing the shell/pumps/etc but will be building a custom cabinet for it to live in.
Oh, and if anyone wants to donate some of these, you get an automatic invite to the official TBL hot tub launch party in December!
"LOL" Yea, i guess you picked that up and i didn't even have to finish what i was saying...