Hot Tub
Girl Gain: +20%

Cost: Purch: $1-3k
Get as new as you can afford. Nothing is as expensive as a cheap Porsche or Hot Tub. Tub $1k, Wiring, $400, Misc stuff $500 (gadgets/chemicals/tools/etc)
Cost: Monthly: $100
Hopefully you paid cash, so with water treatment, additional power costs, and miscellaneous things to keep one ready to party all the time, this is fair.
Age Ranges:
Five to Fifteen: You will get some SERIOUS games of doctor going with a lot of girls. You will probably see real live grown up woman boobies. When it's time to pick Dad's nursing home, remember when he hooked YOU up back in the day.
Fifteen to Eighteen: Any time you get the tub alone, no girl is safe. Invite girls and tell them to bring their friends!
Eighteen to Twenty-Two: College + hot tub = Pretty much everything you had wet dreams about from the time you hit puberty.
Twenty-Three to Forty: You will have young (18-25yo) girls doing whatever you want, whenever you want, on command. You earned it, enjoy it.
Forty+: Be careful not to be "Creepy swinger single old guy". Don't mention you have a hot tub. Just be social, have a lot of friends, and let THEM recommend things move to the tub. Any woman over twenty eight is putty in your hands. Girls under that will be creeped out being in there if you're around, and really just want you to leave so they can fuck their boyfriends in it.
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