Girl Gain: +15%

Get a nice used bike, NOT a new one. You WILL crash it a few times. Save the extra money for gear/extras.
Cost: Monthly: $150-200 When you count the payments, plus insurance and maintenance (tires/maintenance/etc), You're going to even out to about $200 a month to own a rideable, decent bike.
Age Ranges:
Five to Fifteen: You will get more kisses from girls.
Fifteen to Eighteen: You will get more action from girls. You will hang out with older guys that give you access to older girls.
Eighteen to Twenty-Seven: You will realize that most "biker" chick groupies are pretty gross and dirty. Normal non-biker girls will love riding with you, hitting on you, and making their friends jealous because you have a "hot" bike and are therefore a "hot" guy. This is the sweet spot. This also gives you real street cred because you're the real deal and not a poser. Note: Crotch rockets get you 40% hotter, and 75% more girls on average than cruisers. Avoid really old (read: Older than ten years) bikes if at all possible. It needs to be shiny and pretty or girls don't dig it.
Twenty-Seven to Thirty-Five: The bike will allow you to still regularly entertain young (18-25) girls. Your ass is too old to be at the night club, so make sure you have adventures and danger to keep them excited. They don't give a fuck about your 401k or new furniture.
Thirty-six +: Keep riding! Your bike will keep you cool, while hanging out with active and financially stable people (or they couldn't afford the bikes). This also keeps your girl (25+) happy because she can be friends with the other gf/wives in a social setting. This additionally gives you reasons to spend a lot of time together and do small mini-vacations (bike trips to next state, bed and breakfasts,etc).
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